Virtual Marine Scientist Lab Report


      As we know that people need a correct temperature to live so does the marine organism in order to live. In the ocean, the current temperature is about 8-degree Celsius. When the temperature is raising so the organism will have a hard life to live in. In this experiment, I chose Mussel (Mytilus). It is a type of bivalve mollusk it a group of organisms that protects by two shells. This species never live in isolation (Alone). We can find them on the rocky shores of coastlines, bays and river mouths. Blue mussels need to feed on phytoplankton in order to complete their life-cycle. Blue mussels are one of the classic model species used in climate change research. The hypothesis about the experiment is, “The population of Mussel (Mytilus) will decrease when the temperature is increasing.”

Material & methods


  1.    Aquarium (tank)
  2.    Mussel (Mytilus)
  3.    Water (8, 12, 16) Celsius
  4.    Food(Phytoplankton)
  5.    Book
  6.    Pen/Pencil
  7.    Thermometer
  8.    pH Meter’


Step 1: Put water in the tank 8 calculus in 1 replicate of 3 tanks, 12 calculus in 1 replicate of 3 tanks and 16 calculus in 1 replicate of 3 tank

Step 2: Measure the same pH in 3 replicate

Step 3: Put the Mussel (Mytilus) in the tank

Step 4: Feed food (Phytoplankton) to the Mussel (Mytilus)

Step 5: Take notebook records the data


In the first day, the temperature of 8 Celsius is at 10, 12 Celsius 10 and 16 Celsius is 9 in an average of 3 replicates. On the 5 days, The data show the 8 Celsius have 6.8, 12 Celsius have 6.6, 16 Celsius have 5.7 so the 8 Celsius still the highest. On day 9 The show the 8 Celsius have 4.7, 12The result clearly shows that when the temperature is increased, the population Mussel (Mytilus) will decrease.  Celsius have 4.7, 16 Celsius have 3.7 so 8 celsius and 12 celsius have the same density. Day 13 8 Celsius have 3.6, 12 Celsius have 3.5, 16 Celsius have 2.3 so the 8 Celsius still the highest. Day 17 8 Celsius have 2.7, 12 Celsius have 2.4, 16 Celsius have 1.3 so the 8 Celsius still the highest. Day 21 8 Celsius have 1.9, 12 Celsius have 1.7, 16 Celsius have .8 so the 8 Celsius still the highest.      


The result clearly shows that when the temperature is increased, the population Mussel (Mytilus) will decrease. The result above shows, when the temperature increase, the population of Mussel decrease. In the day 9, the mussel (Mytilus) 8 celsius and 12 celsius have the same density. In another 5 days of collection, the 8 Celsius have the most density of Mussel and 16 Celsius have less Mussel. So people really need to reduce the energy of use on Earth. When we using more energy the carbon dioxide will release more into the atmosphere then the temperature on Earth and in the ocean will increase too. When setting up this experiment again I  will change, I will increase day of collection date and add one more temperature is 20 Celsius.   


So, in conclusion, the data show that the experiment accepts my hypothesis. In the data show the temperature of 8 Celsius have more density than 12 Celsius and 16 Celsius. So, when the temperature increase, the population of Mussel (Mytilus) will decrease.  When the temperature of the world is increasing the density of Mussel (Mytilus) is diminish and the population of the sea star and sun star will diminish too.     


“VirtualLbb.” Virtual Marine Scientist. Web. 26 Feb. 2017.