Parathyroid System


Did you know that parathyroid act like the thermostat

If you drink 1 cup of milk then you use all calcium and in your body the calcium is low what your body going to do.

Ok let me tell you

  1. Structure
    1. It a butterfly shape
      1. four tiny glands
      2. located in the neck
      3. Size is about a grain of rice
      4. (Weigh about 30 milligrams and is3-4 millimeters in diameter)
    2. Function and how it work  
      1. control the body’s calcium levels
      2. It telling the bone to let out the bone to release of the calcium for the bone
      3. It increasing the body’s function to take calcium from food
      4. It increasing the kidney’s function to stored the calcium otherwise calcium will go with the urine
  2. Homeostasis and Negative Feedback Loop
    1. When the calcium is too high
    2. When the calcium is to low


  1. Conclusion
    1. You can find calcium in the food that we eat and some of them have high calcium and some have low calcium. Please eat food like raw milk, broccoli and bok choy


Hormone – substance produced to stimulate specific cells or tissues into action.

PTH – it the type of hormone that tell the bone and other organ to keep or release calcium

Thermostat –  a device that automatically regulates temperature

Calcium- it the chemical element of atomic number 20, a soft grey metal.


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